SIRXMKT006 Develop a Social Media Strategy
Dive into the world of social media strategy - your overall plan for how you will get to where you want to be with your social media.
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Introduction to Strategy
1.1 Setting the Stage
1.2 Social Media Users
1.3 Usage Patterns
1.4 Social Media Marketing Opportunities
1.5 How Social Media Marketing Can Help
1.6 Let's Talk! What do you know?
1.7 The Mysterious Newsfeed Algorithms
1.8 Social Media Marketing Trends
1.9 Social Media Marketing Strategy
1.10 The Social Media Marketing Process
1.11 Understanding the Social Media Marketing Process
1.12 Strategy in Context
1.13 Developing Your Social Media Strategy
1.14 Let's Do It! Vision, Mission, Values
1.15 Audience/Buyer Stages
1.16 Strategic Ideas
1.17 The 8-step Strategy Process
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Module 1 Quiz
Module 1 Conclusion
Start Where You Are
2.1 The Social Media Audit
2.2 Conducting a Social Media Audit
2.3 Let's Talk! SWOTing your audit skills
2.4 Review Online Presence
2.5 Social Media Presence Template
2.6 Let’s Do It! Review Online Presence
2.7 Assess Profile Consistency
2.8 Assess Profile Consistency Template and Example
2.9 Let’s Do It! Assess Profile Consistency
2.10 Analyse Performance
2.11 Analyse Performance Example and Template + Combined Audit Template
2.12 Let’s Do It! Analyse Performance
2.13 Examine Competitors
2.14 Let’s Do It! Examine Competitors
2.15 Review SEO Results
2.16 Let’s Do It! Review SEO Results
2.17 Brand Identity
2.18 Brand Identity Canvas Example and Template
2.19 Let's Do It! Determine Brand Identity
2.20 Conduct a SWOT Analysis
2.21 Let’s Do It! Conduct A SWOT Analysis
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Module 2: Quiz
Module 2 Conclusion
Setting Social Media Objectives
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Top Down Strategy
3.3 XERO example
3.4 Audience/Buyer stages
3.5 Awareness Metrics
3.6 Consideration Metrics
3.7 Decision Metrics
3.8 Audience/Buyer Stages and Quantitative Objectives
3.9 Xero Example – Quantitative Objectives
3.10 Audience/Buyer stages and Qualitative Objectives
3.11 Xero Example – Qualitative Objectives
3.12 Set ‘S.M.A.R.T.’ Objectives and B.H.A.G.s
3.13 Set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
3.14 Audience/Buyer Stages and Social Media Tactics
3.15 Social Media Objectives Example and Template
3.16 Let's Do it! Set Social Media Objectives
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Module 3 Quiz
Module 3 Conclusion
Identifying Your Audience
4.1 Audience Personas
4.2 Creating Audience Personas
4.3 Unique Audience Personas
4.4 Audience Segments
4.5 Persona Information Categories
4.6 Persona Demographics
4.7 Interests/Lifestyle
4.8 Researching Online Behaviours
4.9 Why Audience Personas Matter
4.10 Audience Personas Influence ...
4.11 Using my Audience Persona Information
4.12 Where to start?
4.13 Native Insights
4.14 Staying up-to-date
4.15 Let's Do It! Love Your Stats
4.15 Target Audience Analysis Example and Template
4.17 Audience Persona Canvas
4.18 Let's Do It! Meet Your Audience
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Module 4: Quiz
Module 4 Conclusion
Choosing the Right Platforms
5.1 Be Strategic About Selecting Your Platforms
5.2 Let's Talk! YOUR Favourite Platform
5.3 The Big 5
5.4 Facebook
5.5 Instagram
5.6 LinkedIn
5.7 Twitter
5.8 YouTube
5.9 Audience Usage
5.10 Platform Usage
5.11 Platform Purpose
5.12 Let's Do It! Personas meet Platform
5.13 Content and platform Choice
5.14 What Type of Content Works Best?
5.15 Audience/Buyer Stages and Platform Choice
5.16 Existing Software and Systems
5.17 Costs and Maintenance
5.18 Mainstream vs Niche Platforms
5.19 Let's Do It! Time to Choose!
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Module 5: Quiz
Module 5 Conclusion
Content Strategy
6.1 Let's Talk! A Few of Your Favourite Things
6.2 Content is King … but
6.3 Content Categories
6.4 Created Content
6.5 Curated Content
6.6 Don't 'Steal' Content
6.7 Co-created Content
6.8 Co-created Content Considerations
6.9 User Generated Content
6.10 Let's Do It! Categorise that!
6.11 Content Purpose and Planning Template
6.12 Content Decisions
6.13 Let’s Do It! What's Your Content?
6.14 Owned, Paid, Earned or All of Them?
6.15 Media and Content Formats
6.16 Content and Audience/Buyer Stages
6.17 Content and Audience/Buyer Stages – Awareness
6.18 Content and Audience/Buyer Stages - Consideration
6.19 Content and Audience/Buyer Stages - Decision
6.20 Content Creation
6.21 Stock image/video sites offer great content
6.22 Use Canva to quickly design high quality posts
6.23 Other image and video editing tools
6.24 Reusing Content
6.25 Content Scheduling
6.26 Monitoring of Social Media Activity
6.27 Content Calendar, Example and Templates
6.28 Encouraging Engagement
6.29 Developing Customer Service Strategies Example and Template
6.30 Pillar Content Strategy Example and Template
6.31 Social Media Content Strategy Example
6.32 Social Media Strategy Alignment
6.33 Content Strategy Examples and Templates
6.34 Let's Do It! Build Your Content Strategy
Let's Review
Module 6 Quiz
Module 6 Conclusion
Being Social
7.1 Ways to be social
7.2 Collaboration
7.3 Let's Do It! Collaborations!
7.4 Influencers
7.5 Influencer Marketing Stats
7.6 Benefits of Influencer Marketing
7.7 Constraints of Influencer Marketing
7.8 Types of Influencers
7.9 Selecting the Right Influencer
7.10 Popular influencer marketing platforms
7.11 Let's Do It! Find Some Influencers!
7.12 Community Management
7.13 Netflix: ... it’s hot
7.14 Let's Do It! A positive response
7.15 Building Your Online Community
7.16 Social Listening
7.17 Community Management Best Practice
7.18 Let's Talk! Incoming!
7.19 Let's Do It! What’s NOT your tone?
7.20 Audience Feedback
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Module 7 Quiz
Module 7 Conclusion
Implementing the Strategy
8.1 The Limits of Organic Reach
8.2 Paid Advertising
8.3 Targeting Your Paid Social Advertisements
8.4 Paid Advertising and Audience/Buyer Stages
8.5 Let's Do It! Why me?
8.6 Creating a Social Media Budget Template
8.7 Cost Categories
8.8 Let's Do It! Budget time
8.9 Identifying Required Resources
8.10 Role Functions
8.11 Meet The Strategy Team
8.12 Meet The Creative Team
8.13 Meet The Community Management Team
8.14 Let's Talk! Your experience
8.15. Action Plan
8.16 Action Plan Phases
8.17 Action Plan Template and Example
8.18 Insource or Outsource?
8.19 Let's Do It! Action Plan
8.20 Legal and Ethical Requirements
8.21 Copyright is …
8.22 Australian Regulations and Law
8.23 Data Privacy
8.24 Social Media Platform Terms of Use and Advertising Policies
8.25 Ethical Constraints
8.26 Let's Do It! Reducing Risk
8.27 Social Media Management Tools
8.28 Tool Selection Criteria
8.29 Native Social Media Tools
8.30 Third-Party Tools
8.31 Web analytics tools
8.32 Let's Talk! Your experience again!
8.33 Creating a Social Media Policy
8.34 Social Media Crisis Management
8.35 Developing a Social Media Crisis Management Plan Example and Template
8.36 Policies and Procedure Alignment
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Module 8 Quiz
Module 8 Conclusion
Analysing and Reporting
9.1 Metrics That Matter
9.2 Aligning with Audience/Buyer stages
9.3 Awareness/Connect
9.4 Consideration/Convince
9.5 Decision/Convert
9.6 Let's Do It! Your metrics
9.7 Tracking Expenses
9.8 Let's Do It! We’ve blown the budget!
9.9 Measuring Effectiveness
9.10 Investment/Costs
9.11 Return on Investment
9.12 Cost per Action
9.13 Let's Do It! Calculators Out!
9.14 Performance Reports
9.15 Period and Trend Reports
9.16 Online Art Store: Monthly KPIs
9.17 Reporting Procedures
9.18 What To Include and Reporting Templates
9.19 Let's Do It! Report!
9.20 Social Media Reporting Software
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Module 9: Quiz
Module 9 Conclusion
SIRXMKT006 Develop a Social Media Strategy – Feedback
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Let's Assess - Assessment Task 1 - Integration option (delete this lesson if using the built-in submission option)
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Let's Assess - Assessment Task 2 - Integration option (delete this lesson if using the built-in submission option)
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SIRXMKT006 Develop a Social Media Strategy – Conclusion